Split NLRB Says Pa. Lacrosse Referees Are EmployeesLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (July 12, 2017, 6:43 PM EDT) — The National…
ReutersDemocrats and unions say NLRB nominees could harm workers ahead of hearingReutersPresident Donald Trump’s nominees for two spots on the…
Nation’s Restaurant NewsFranchisors ask Congress to clarify NLRB definitionsNation’s Restaurant NewsSmall businesses and franchisors are asking Congress to clarify joint-employer…
Washington ExaminerDemocrat slams companies for caring ‘more about their hotdogs’ than their workersWashington ExaminerThe hearing focused on the NLRB, the…
Washington ExaminerSmall businesses urge Congress to rein in NLRBWashington ExaminerSmall business groups urged Congress to rein in the National Labor…
Lacrosse Referees Clear Contractor Hurdle, Can UnionizeBloomberg BNAAs a result, the Professional Employees International Union can represent approximately 140 officials…
SHRMNLRB Nominees Expected to Undo Obama-Era RulingsSHRMNational Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decisions on joint employers, micro-unions and employee handbooks might…
Law.com (subscription)Littler Mendelson’s William Emanuel, Trump Pick for NLRB, Discloses Clients, CompensationLaw.com (subscription)National Labor Relations Board, located at 1099 14th…
NLRB Signs Off On New School Grad Students’ Union VoteLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (July 10, 2017, 2:39 PM EDT) —…
The National Law Journal (registration)Littler Mendelson’s William Emanuel, Trump Pick for NLRB, Discloses Clients, CompensationThe National Law Journal (registration)Littler Mendelson’s…