CNLP Litigation
Entrepreneurs know that their enterprises can be destroyed quickly by illegal union-led schemes and harassment. Often costly litigation or capitulation become the only answers, but the experts at the Center on National Labor Policy have brought decades of victorious legal aid to small businesses across the country.
CNLP Public Policy
Nowhere has the regulatory maze hit harder than in the field of business productivity and labor relations. That is why part of the Center on National Labor Policy’s arsenal focuses on providing policy analysis and expert witnesses. President Ronald Reagan once said that “You [CNLP] assist my Administration in formulating rational federal policy.”
CNLP research
The Center on National Labor Policy provides research for litigation, public policy, and academic analysis of labor relations.

CNLP’s Impact and Long History of Winning Fights
CNLP has never been just another website that produces FacebookGoogleTwitter ads and YouTube videos, we have gone toe-to-toe with Big Labor Bosses for decades and win. We plan to keep fighting for free enterprise and individual freedom as we push back against government-union monopolistic expansion in the free market.
CNLP Experts Respect the Trust of Supporters
CNLP runs an efficient operation, always considering the wishes of supporters before making expenditures, engaging in litigation, and becoming involved in other long range projects. We focus on the mission and set goals to stay on track. And, because of this discipline, we can seek out new projects to expand impact and effectiveness.

The Mission Contiues Thanks To You …
Help us make this a better world for you, your children and your children’s children. It is because of your generous donations that we are able to help people across this land of opportunity, keep the dreams they built. Please donate to today.
Or, perhaps you need help. How can we help you? Send us a detailed message through our contact page webform or call (703) 321-9180.
If you would like more information the Center on National Labor Policy and how you might get more involved, please contact us today clicking here.