ReutersGoogle fires employee behind anti-diversity memoReutersDamore said he was exploring all possible legal remedies, and that before being fired, he…
Mississippi Public BroadcastingNissan’s ‘Vicious’ Campaign Crushed Union Vote, NLRB ToldLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (August 7, 2017, 9:41 PM EDT) —…
Ricochet.comNissan’s ‘Vicious’ Campaign Crushed Union Vote, NLRB ToldLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (August 7, 2017, 9:41 PM EDT) — The UAW…
The Daily PennsylvanianGrad students wanted to vote on their labor union months ago. Here’s why they haven’t.The Daily PennsylvanianTo form…
ADT Security’s NY Workweek Violated NLRA: NLRB JudgeLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (August 7, 2017, 5:44 PM EDT) — ADT Security…
PUNCHING IN: SPOTLIGHT ON NLRB, LABOR TRADE BUREAUBloomberg BNABen Penn: The National Labor Relations Board has until Wednesday to file…
ReutersNissan Mississippi workers vote heavily against unionizationReutersNissan said the tally of votes, which was overseen by the U.S. National Labor…
PJ MediaBlue Dog Dem to Labor Board: ‘Do No Harm to Those Job Creators,’ Repeal Obama-Era RulePJ MediaHenry Cuellar (D-Texas)…
The National Law Journal (registration)NLRB Fails to Explain Departure from Joint Employer PrecedentCompetitive Enterprise Institute (blog)Today, for the second time…
DC Circ. Nixes NLRB’s Joint Employer Finding In CNN CaseLaw360 (subscription)Law360, New York (August 4, 2017, 4:02 PM EDT) —…