11th Circ. Reverses NLRB On Samsung Employment PactLaw360In an unpublished opinion, the three-judge panel reversed the NLRB’s 2016 holding that…
New York PostLabor Board requires Hudson Yards unions to stop strikesNew York PostHudson Yards Development Corp. filed a complaint with…
NLRB General Counsel To Streamline Regional Case-HandlingLaw360The changes, outlined in a memo that NLRB Associate to the General Counsel Beth…
Online Forum Activity = Protected Concerted ActivityThe National Law ReviewHe progressed through the ranks, performing work that the NLRB administrative…
The HillKavanaugh ruled for Trump casino in 2012 unionization caseThe HillHe voted with two other Republican-nominated judges on the D.C.-based…
BloombergKavanaugh Sided With Trump Casino in 2012 to Thwart Union DriveBloomberg”Kavanaugh, along with Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch — and Roberts along…
GoLocalProvNLRB Finds RI PBS Violated Federal Law in Labor Dispute with IBEW UnionGoLocalProvJudge Goldman was appointed to the NLRB in…
NLRB General Counsel lends a hand with helpful memorandum clarifying Board law on handbook rules and policiesLexologyAs Constangy has previously…
NLRB’s joint employer standard is still up in the airLexologyThe “joint employer” standard of the National Labor Relations Board is…
Worker’s ‘Arguably Vulgar’ Writing Protected, NLRB SaysLaw360Law360 (July 25, 2018, 6:34 PM EDT) — An aluminum worker was protected by…