Despite continuing actions by the SEIU to press forced unionization through their “hair on fire” approach, statistics recently released show continuing stagnant membership for labor unions (see Labor Union Membership Rate Stays Steady in 2013). For employees across the country this means the SEIU will continue the pressure through their “persuasion of power” (see Desperate SEIU Resurrects The Persuasion of Power). Over the past three decades, the SEIU and its big labor brethren have continued to see membership roles drop, and this has continued to be true in recent years as the economy continues to sour and employees become more informed and resistant to what unions have to offer. The fact that they had a year that showed no decline is hardly a breath of fresh air when big labor is continuing to deal with declining revenues, and the fact they desperately need to curry political favors to advance forced unionism, thereby increasing membership roles and corresponding dues. Make no mistake about it that membership growth and member dues are big labor’s priority, as it is all about the big labor lifestyle and political power membership dues fund!
As a result of the lack of union membership growth, the country continues to experience this Persuasion of Power from the nation’s largest and most radical union (see Communism at the Highest Levels). The SEIU’s Insidious Tentacles continue to spread across this great country into every nook and cranny as it seeks to avoid extinction and promote its socialist/communistic agenda with support from the “Puppet” in the White House. In 2012, the SEIU used its members’ union dues and foot soldiers to elect David Bowen to the Milwaukee County Board. Now they have “assisted” him in writing a minimum wage proposal that would, according to independent accounting sources, cost the county over $27 million dollars, lose out on an estimated $34.5 million in land sales and $11 million in new tax revenue, and cost more than 8,700 new jobs (see Union-influenced minimum wage law in Wisconsin could squash thousands of jobs and Union helps write living wage ordinance that could cost taxpayers millions). Of course, this is all presented in typical SEIU misinformation fashion as providing people with a “living wage,” when the truth is the bill contains.
The proposal, however, offers contracting firms an exemption from the wage hike, but only if their workers are covered by a collective bargaining agreement between the employer and a bona fide labor union like the SEIU. Obviously this is no more than a corrupt ploy to recapture revenues that have declined significantly over the last several years. According to IRS tax documents, the Milwaukee SEIU reported revenue of $1,878,513 in 2010, $938,478 in 2011 and $780,923 in 2012. This represents a 60 percent loss in annual revenue in just two years. Clearly, the union has reached a point of desperation. Remember, “desperate people do desperate things” regardless of the consequences.
In Illinois, the SEIU has …read more